Mountain View

"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God." - Hebrews 4:16

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have to admit that the school bus coming at 6:25 am is a bit early for even me.  However, once my daughter is safely on her way, and the flashing lights of the bus are gone, it's one of my favorite times of the day.  My wife is usually still nestled in bed.  My dog curls back up in his spot, and this extrovert has his few minutes of quiet stillness, that he SO desperately needs - but too often doesn't take.  The birds begin their songs, which at other times I never hear.  The sunrise majestically lights up the steeple of our church.  Cars whiz by on their way to work, and I enjoy a hot cup of coffee, in the stillness of the morning.  I'm still in my flannel pajama pants stitched together as a Christmas gift from my daughter a few years back.  My eyes are tired, but my heart and mind are still...waiting...expectant...ready to hear, see and join God.  The entire day is great, but boy do I like mornings!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Church, Why Bother?

I'm really excited to discuss this topic today at our Theology on Tap here at Fort Bragg.  Phillip Yancey's book, Church, Why Bother? was a powerful read.  In a culture that says not to talk about politics and religion at gatherings, because they are individual issues, we've created the idea that a relationship with God is conducted in isolation, and the church is a place for those "holier than thou" folks. 

In a conversation with a Senior leader several years ago I was asked, "Chaplain, do you think I need to go to church to be a good Christian?"  My first thought was, you don't go to church, you are part of the church as a follower of Jesus.  Since we were in the military context I asked him if he thought he could take his weapon, go downrange and win the war on his own.  When he agreed that he could not, but needed a team, I immediately shared that my understanding of the church was much the same...a team of folks all seeking the same objective, with different roles and responsibilities, working together and encouraging one another along the way.  Church, Why Bother?  Because - if you choose not to be a part you are cutting yourself off from the team that you need and needs you. 

Enjoy the journey!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Quick to Listen

I'm a talker.  In fact, that might be an understatement.  At times I blame my deviated septum, saying that I talk so much because I have to breathe through my mouth.  However, the truth is I love to talk and share my thoughts, feelings and opinions...kinda like blogging!

As I've spent time reading the first chapter of the book of James this week, the following words have leaped out at me time and again, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."  James writes this as he is encouraging people to be careful when they are tested and tried in the situations of life. 

Wouldn't it be great if in the midst of our stress rather than lashing out we just stopped and listened?  Imagine how it might change us and our perspective.

This quick talker is hoping to learn to be quick to listen in the days to come...I hope you'll do the same!

Enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice and Egypt

I called an Army office today seeking some information and got a recording: "We're sorry that our telephone hotline is closed today due to severe weather.  Please call back later in the week."  Then I headed to the gym and saw more headlines on both the storm and the uprising in Egypt.  While I've followed both of these stories briefly in recent days, today was the first time I'd been personally effected by either one.  Yesterday I saw the headline, Egypt and Oil, and was saddened that the only interest folks seemed to have in this major human outcry was whether or not the price of gasoline was going to rise.  Whether it's the Ice storm or Egyptian uprising it's amazing how most of us don't seem to really care unless it's impacting us personally.  I wonder, though, if that's how God views it?  I'm guessing that He sees His children in those areas and longs for them to call to Him for help.  Today, as many batten down the hatches bracing for the storm, and others across the sea protest for change, I'm going to call out to God on their behalf, and I hope you will too!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home & Humbled

I should be at the worship service which I oversee...but this morning my little one and I are home sick.  Just the bug that's going around, but feeling yucky just the same.  We're hoping some rest will help us both.  Being at home, quiet on this Sunday morning has been quite a blessing.  It's my bride's last day in her current ministry position and we were all supposed to be in attendance to help celebrate her big impact the past three years and then I was going to run back to my service and lead the time of prayer.  Instead, here I sit - as my little one plays with her dolls.  While I'd love to have been able to carry out the plans I had for this day, I've been humbled to know that it really was never about me...but rather about what God is doing - and He can do it just fine with me on the sidelines for a Sunday.  My leadership team is finishing up an incredible worship experience as I type these lines, and my bride will soon be enjoying a reception in her honor, without my extreme extraversion spilling onto it.  Yes, I would have loved to been blessed by these two celebrations this morning, but being here on the couch may be even better.  It causes this loud leader to be quiet and still, at home and humbled...a great place to be knowing that even here I'm not alone - for God is with me.  Come boldly to Him!!!

Enjoy the journey,

Friday, January 28, 2011

No Limits - vs. Know Limits

One of my Soldiers is sick as a dog today.  He came in to work in spite of it but could barely sit up staight in the office.  He is at the doctor's office as I type this, but his situation got me to thinking.  While I was pondering this, I ran into another one of my Soldiers who shared with me that he recently found out that he was being promoted.  I asked if he would head back into the hard charging world where we met or if he was going to stay in his administrative job with the new promotion.  He shared he'd be staying put.  One Soldier, sick and tired, pushed himself with a motto of "no limits."  The other, realized that his life tempo in past years had pushed him to the edge and that he was learning to "know limits" and how working within them was actually setting him free.  NO LIMITS - KNOW LIMITS...both good mottos with which to live.

Enjoy the journey,

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I was driving back from dropping my daughter off at school yesterday and lamenting that my body had succomed to the crud...and that the congestion had settled in my throat, rendering me with little to no voice.  In the midst of my pitty party I heard the following lyrics on the radio, "I am speechless..."  The irony brought a smile to my face.  The song's message focused on being speechless in the presence of God.  As an extravert to the extreme it's rare that I'm speechless.  However, with my current cold, I've been forced to be quiet and voices of those around me, to the sounds of life and to the still small voice of God's Holy Spirit.  Being speechless has spoken volumes!!!  Blessings!